Simple Tree Text Markup:   Simple Markup for Display as Text or in GUI
1 Markup Representation
2 Markup Construction
3 Rendering Markup to Text
4 Generating Markup From a Port
make-markup-output-port/  unsafe

Simple Tree Text Markup: Simple Markup for Display as Text or in GUI🔗ℹ

Mike Sperber

This is a tree-based combinator library for simple markup, mainly for displaying messages in a REPL. It features horizontal and vertical composition as well as framed markup. Its main distinguishing feature is its ability to embed source locations, which can be rendered as links.

This package comes with separate modules for inspecting and constructing markup - simple-tree-text-markup/data and simple-tree-text-markup/construct, respectively. Markup can also be constructed through a custom output port, supplied by simple-tree-text-markup/port.

There’s also a module simple-tree-text-markup/text that renders markup to text. Rendering markup to GUI is quite context-specific. Hence, the code for rendering to GUIs is implemented with specific applications, such as DrRacket or the test engine.

1 Markup Representation🔗ℹ

 (require simple-tree-text-markup/data)
  package: simple-tree-text-markup-lib

This module defines the representation for markup as a set of struct definitions. It should be required when inspecting markup, For constructing markup, see simple-tree-text-markup/construct.

A markup object can be one of the following:


(markup? object)  boolean?

  object : any/c
Returns #t if object is a markup object, #f otherwise.


(struct empty-markup ())

This is an empty markup object, which consumes no space.


(struct horizontal-markup (markups))

  markups : (listof markup?)
This markup object contains several sub-markups, which will be arranged horizontally when rendered.


(struct vertical-markup (markups))

  markups : (listof markup?)
This markup object contains several sub-markups, which will be arranged vertically when rendered.


(struct srcloc-markup (srcloc markup))

  srcloc : srcloc?
  markup : markup?
This markup object represents a link to a source location, represented by srcloc, where the link visualization is represented by markup.


(struct framed-markup (markup))

  markup : markup?
This markup object puts a frame around markup.


(struct image-markup (data alt-markup))

  data : any/c
  alt-markup : markup?
This markup object represents an image. The data contains the image data. The format is not exactly specified, but a graphical renderer should accept bitmap%, snip%, and record-dc-datum objects.

If rendering of data is not possible, alt-markup can be substituted.


(struct record-dc-datum (datum width height))

  datum : any/c
  width : natural-number/c
  height : natural-number/c
This represents an image, containing the result the get-recorded-datum from record-dc%, as well as the width and height of that image.


(struct number-markup (number
  number : number?
  exact-prefix : (or/c 'always 'never 'when-necessary)
  inexact-prefix : (or/c 'always 'never 'when-necessary)
  fraction-view : (or/c 'mixed 'improper 'decimal #f)
This represents a number to be rendered in a format that can be read back.

The exact-prefix argument specifies whether the representation should carry a #e prefix: Always, never, or when necessary to identify a representation that would otherwise be considered inexact.

Similarly for inexact-prefix. Note however that 'when-necessary is usually equivalent to 'never, as inexact numbers are always printed with a decimal dot, which is sufficient to identify a number representation as inexact.

The fraction-view field specifies how exact non-integer reals - fractions - should be rendered: As a mixed fraction, an improper fraction, or a decimal, possibly identifying periodic digits. For 'decimal, if it’s not possible to render the number as a decimal exactly, a fraction representation might be generated. For 'mixed an improper fraction representation might be generated if a mixed representation could not be read back.

If fraction-view is #f, this option comes from some unspecified user preference.


(markup-folder combine identity extractors)

  (markup? . -> . any/c)
  combine : procedure?
  identity : any/c
  extractors : (listof pair?)
This creates a procedure that folds over a markup tree using a monoid: That procedure maps every node of the markup tree to an element of the monoid, and returns the result of combining those values.

The monoid itself is defined by combine (its binary operation) and identity (its identity / neutral element).

The extractors list consists of pairs: Each pair consists of a predicate on markup nodes (usually string?, empty-markup? etc.) and a procedure to map a node, for which the predicate returns a true value, to an element of the monoid.

The following example extracts a list of source locations from a markup tree:

(define markup-srclocs
  (markup-folder append '()
                 `((,srcloc-markup? . ,(lambda (markup)
                                         (list (srcloc-markup-srcloc markup)))))))


(transform-markup mappers markup)  markup?

  mappers : (listof pair?)
  markup : markup?
This procedure transforms markup by replacing nodes. The mappers argument is a list of pairs. Each pair consists of a predicate on markup nodes (usually string?, empty-markup? etc.) and a procedure that accepts as argument the struct components of the corresponding node, where the markup components have been recursively passed through transform-markup. The node is replaced by the return value of the procedure.

The following example transforms each piece of image data in a markup tree:

(define (markup-transform-image-data transform-image-data markup)
   `((,image-markup? . ,(lambda (data alt-markup)
                          (image-markup (transform-image-data data) alt-markup))))

2 Markup Construction🔗ℹ

 (require simple-tree-text-markup/construct)
  package: simple-tree-text-markup-lib

While the struct definitions in simple-tree-text-markup/data can also be used for constructing markup, the procedures exported here are somewhat more convenient to use, and do a fair amount of normalization upon constructions.


(srcloc-markup srcloc markup)  markup?

  srcloc : srcloc?
  markup : markup?
This constructs a markup object that will represent a link to a source location, represented by srcloc, where the link visualization is represented by markup.


(framed-markup markup)  markup?

  markup : markup?
This markup constructor puts a frame around markup.

This is the empty markup object.

This is a markup object representing an empty line, i.e. empty vertical space.


(number number    
  [#:exact-prefix exact-prefix    
  #:inexact-prefix inexact-prefix    
  #:fraction-view fraction-view])  markup?
  number : number?
  exact-prefix : (or/c 'always 'never 'when-necessary) = 'never
  inexact-prefix : (or/c 'always 'never 'when-necessary)
   = 'never
  fraction-view : (or/c #f 'mixed 'improper 'decimal) = #f
This constructs markup for a number to be rendered in a format that can be read back.

The exact-prefix argument specifies whether the representation should carry a #e prefix: Always, never, or when necessary to identify a representation that would otherwise be considered inexact.

Similarly for inexact-prefix. Note however that 'when-necessary is usually equivalent to 'never, as inexact numbers are always printed with a decimal dot, which is sufficient to identify a number representation as inexact.

The fraction-view field specifies how exact non-integer reals - fractions - should be rendered: As a mixed fraction, an improper fraction, or a decimal, possibly identifying periodic digits. For 'decimal, if it’s not possible to render the number as a decimal exactly, a fraction representation might be generated. For 'mixed an improper fraction representation might be generated if a mixed representation could not be read back.

If fraction-view is #f, this option comes from some unspecified user preference.


(horizontal markup ...)  markup?

  markup : markup?
This procedure arranges the markup arguments horizontally.


(vertical markup ...)  markup?

  markup : markup?
This procedure arranges the markup arguments vertically.


(transform-markup mappers markup)  markup?

  mappers : (listof pair?)
  markup : markup?
This is the same as transform-markup.


(markup-transform-image-data transform-image-data    
  markup)  markup?
  transform-image-data : (any/c . -> . any/c)
  markup : markup?
This walks over a markup tree, leaving everything unchanged except image-markup values. For those, it applies transform-image-data to its datafield, replacing it by the return value.

3 Rendering Markup to Text🔗ℹ

 (require simple-tree-text-markup/text)
  package: simple-tree-text-markup-lib

This module renders markup to text by printing to a port.


(display-markup markup [output-port])  any

  markup : markup?
  output-port : output-port? = (current-output-port)
Renders a textual version of markup to output-port. It uses Unicode lines and corners to display framed markup.


(number-markup->string number 
  [#:exact-prefix exact-prefix 
  #:inexact-prefix inexact-prefix 
  #:fraction-view fraction-view]) 
  number : number?
  exact-prefix : (or/c 'always 'never 'when-necessary) = 'never
  inexact-prefix : (or/c 'always 'never 'when-necessary)
   = 'never
  fraction-view : (or/c #f 'mixed 'improper 'decimal) = #f
This is a convenience function that generates a textual number representation according to the specification of number-markup.

4 Generating Markup From a Port🔗ℹ

 (require simple-tree-text-markup/port)
  package: simple-tree-text-markup-lib

This modules define procedures for creating output ports whose output is captured as a markup object.


(make-markup-output-port special->markup)

output-port? (-> markup?)
  special->markup : (any/c . -> . markup?)
This procedure returns an output port and a thunk.

The thunk will return whatever has been output to the port as a markup object.

The port also supports write-special: Any object output through it will be converted into markup by the special->markup procedure.


(make-markup-output-port/unsafe special->markup)

output-port? (-> markup?)
  special->markup : (any/c . -> . markup?)
Thread-unsafe version of make-markup-output-port.

This interface is for implementation by objects written via write-special to a port created by the procedures above: It marks objects (typically snips) that represent a sequence of source locations, for which the markup output should render a link.
Note that, in order to make use of this, you will need to call make-markup-output-port with a special->markup argument that looks for specials implementing this interface and converts them to markup appropriately.


(send a-srclocs-special get-srclocs)

  (or/c #f (listof srcloc?))
Returns the source locations represented by the special object, most relevant first in the list.