5 Footnotes
(require scriblib/footnote) | package: scribble-lib |
Creates a margin note for HTML and a footnote for Latex/PDF output.
(define-footnote footnote-id footnote-part-id)
Binds footnote-id to a form like note that registers a
Binds footnote-part-id to a function that generates a section to
display the registered footnotes.
(The section generated by footnote-part-id will not show a title or
appear in a table of contents; it will look like a footnote area.)
Beware that any content passed to footnote-id will occur twice in at least an intermediate form of the document, and perhaps also in the rendered form of the document. Consequently, the content passed to footnote-id should not bind link targets or include other one-time declarations.
#lang scribble/manual @require[scriblib/footnote] @define-footnote[my-note make-my-note] @title{Months of the Year} @section{January} January has 31 days. @section{February} February has 28 days in common years.@my-note{In leap years, February has 29 days.} @make-my-note[] @section{March} March has 30 days.