On this page:
hash-iterate-key+  value
4.14.1 Additional Hash Table Functions

4.14 Hash Tables

+Hash Tables in The Racket Guide introduces hash tables.

A hash table (or simply hash) maps each of its keys to a single value. For a given hash table, keys are equivalent via equal?, eqv?, or eq?, and keys are retained either strongly, weakly (see Weak Boxes), or like ephemerons. A hash table is also either mutable or immutable. Immutable hash tables support effectively constant-time access and update, just like mutable hash tables; the constant on immutable operations is usually larger, but the functional nature of immutable hash tables can pay off in certain algorithms. Use immutable? to check whether a hash table is immutable.

Immutable hash tables actually provide O(log N) access and update. Since N is limited by the address space so that log N is limited to less than 30 or 62 (depending on the platform), log N can be treated reasonably as a constant.

For equal?-based hashing, the built-in hash functions on strings, pairs, lists, vectors, prefab or transparent structures, etc., take time proportional to the size of the value. The hash code for a compound data structure, such as a list or vector, depends on hashing each item of the container, but the depth of such recursive hashing is limited (to avoid potential problems with cyclic data). For a non-list pair, both car and cdr hashing is treated as a deeper hash, but the cdr of a list is treated as having the same hashing depth as the list.

A hash table can be used as a two-valued sequence (see Sequences). The keys and values of the hash table serve as elements of the sequence (i.e., each element is a key and its associated value). If a mapping is added to or removed from the hash table during iteration, then an iteration step may fail with exn:fail:contract, or the iteration may skip or duplicate keys and values. See also in-hash, in-hash-keys, in-hash-values, and in-hash-pairs.

Two hash tables cannot be equal? unless they have the same mutability, use the same key-comparison procedure (equal?, eqv?, or eq?), both hold keys strongly, weakly, or like ephemerons. Empty immutable hash tables are eq? when they are equal?.

Changed in version of package base: Made empty immutable hash tables eq? when they are equal?.

Caveats concerning concurrent modification: A mutable hash table can be manipulated with hash-ref, hash-set!, and hash-remove! concurrently by multiple threads, and the operations are protected by a table-specific semaphore as needed. Several caveats apply, however:

Caveat concerning mutable keys: If a key in an equal?-based hash table is mutated (e.g., a key string is modified with string-set!), then the hash table’s behavior for insertion and lookup operations becomes unpredictable.

A literal or printed hash table starts with #hash, #hasheqv, or #hasheq. See Reading Hash Tables for information on reading hash tables and Printing Hash Tables for information on printing hash tables.


(hash? v)  boolean?

  v : any/c
Returns #t if v is a hash table, #f otherwise.


(hash-equal? hash)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
Returns #t if hash compares keys with equal?, #f if it compares with eq? or eqv?.


(hash-eqv? hash)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
Returns #t if hash compares keys with eqv?, #f if it compares with equal? or eq?.


(hash-eq? hash)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
Returns #t if hash compares keys with eq?, #f if it compares with equal? or eqv?.


(hash-strong? hash)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
Returns #t if hash retains its keys strongly, #f if it retains keys strongly or like ephemerons.

Added in version of package base.


(hash-weak? hash)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
Returns #t if hash retains its keys weakly, #f if it retains keys strongly or like ephemerons.


(hash-ephemeron? hash)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
Returns #t if hash retains its keys like ephemerons, #f if it retains keys strongly or merely weakly.

Added in version of package base.


(hash key val ... ...)  (and/c hash? hash-equal? immutable?)

  key : any/c
  val : any/c


(hasheq key val ... ...)  (and/c hash? hash-eq? immutable?)

  key : any/c
  val : any/c


(hasheqv key val ... ...)  (and/c hash? hash-eqv? immutable?)

  key : any/c
  val : any/c
Creates an immutable hash table with each given key mapped to the following val; each key must have a val, so the total number of arguments to hash must be even.

The hash procedure creates a table where keys are compared with equal?, hasheq procedure creates a table where keys are compared with eq?, and hasheqv procedure creates a table where keys are compared with eqv?.

The key to val mappings are added to the table in the order that they appear in the argument list, so later mappings can hide earlier mappings if the keys are equal.


(make-hash [assocs])  (and/c hash? hash-equal?)

  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-hasheqv [assocs])  (and/c hash? hash-eqv?)

  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-hasheq [assocs])  (and/c hash? hash-eq?)

  assocs : (listof pair?) = null
Creates a mutable hash table that holds keys strongly.

The make-hash procedure creates a table where keys are compared with equal?, make-hasheq procedure creates a table where keys are compared with eq?, and make-hasheqv procedure creates a table where keys are compared with eqv?.

The table is initialized with the content of assocs. In each element of assocs, the car is a key, and the cdr is the corresponding value. The mappings are added to the table in the order that they appear in assocs, so later mappings can hide earlier mappings.

See also make-custom-hash.


(make-weak-hash [assocs])  (and/c hash? hash-equal? hash-weak?)

  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-weak-hasheqv [assocs])  (and/c hash? hash-eqv? hash-weak?)

  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-weak-hasheq [assocs])  (and/c hash? hash-eq? hash-weak?)

  assocs : (listof pair?) = null
Like make-hash, make-hasheq, and make-hasheqv, but creates a mutable hash table that holds keys weakly.

Beware that values in a weak hash table are retained normally. If a value in the table refers back to its key, then the table will retain the value and therefore the key; the mapping will never be removed from the table even if the key becomes otherwise inaccessible. To avoid that problem, use an ephemeron hash table as created by make-ephemeron-hash, make-ephemeron-hasheqv, or make-ephemeron-hasheq. For values that do not refer to keys, there is a modest extra cost to using an ephemeron hash table instead of a weak hash table, but prefer an ephemeron hash table when in doubt.


(make-ephemeron-hash [assocs])

  (and/c hash? hash-equal? hash-ephemeron?)
  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-ephemeron-hasheqv [assocs])

  (and/c hash? hash-eqv? hash-ephemeron?)
  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-ephemeron-hasheq [assocs])

  (and/c hash? hash-eq? hash-ephemeron?)
  assocs : (listof pair?) = null
Like make-hash, make-hasheq, and make-hasheqv, but creates a mutable hash table that holds keys-value combinations in the same way as an ephemeron.

Using an ephemeron hash table is like using a weak hash table and mapping each key to a ephemeron that pairs the key and value. An advantage of an ephemeron hash table is that the value need not be extracted with ephemeron-value from the result of functions like hash-ref. An ephemeron hash table might also be represented more compactly than a weak hash table with explicit ephemeron values.

Added in version of package base.


(make-immutable-hash [assocs])

  (and/c hash? hash-equal? immutable?)
  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-immutable-hasheqv [assocs])

  (and/c hash? hash-eqv? immutable?)
  assocs : (listof pair?) = null


(make-immutable-hasheq [assocs])

  (and/c hash? hash-eq? immutable?)
  assocs : (listof pair?) = null
Like hash, hasheq, and hasheqv, but accepts the key–value mapping in association-list form like make-hash, make-hasheq, and make-hasheqv.


(hash-set! hash key v)  void?

  hash : (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Maps key to v in hash, overwriting any existing mapping for key.

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-set*! hash key v ... ...)  void?

  hash : (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Maps each key to each v in hash, overwriting any existing mapping for each key. Mappings are added from the left, so later mappings overwrite earlier mappings.

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-set hash key v)  (and/c hash? immutable?)

  hash : (and/c hash? immutable?)
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Functionally extends hash by mapping key to v, overwriting any existing mapping for key, and returning the extended hash table.

See also the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-set* hash key v ... ...)  (and/c hash? immutable?)

  hash : (and/c hash? immutable?)
  key : any/c
  v : any/c
Functionally extends hash by mapping each key to v, overwriting any existing mapping for each key, and returning the extended hash table. Mappings are added from the left, so later mappings overwrite earlier mappings.

See also the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-ref hash key [failure-result])  any

  hash : hash?
  key : any/c
  failure-result : failure-result/c
(lambda ()
  (raise (make-exn:fail:contract ....)))
Returns the value for key in hash. If no value is found for key, then failure-result determines the result:

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-ref-key hash key [failure-result])  any

  hash : hash?
  key : any/c
  failure-result : failure-result/c
(lambda ()
  (raise (make-exn:fail:contract ....)))
Returns the key held by hash that is equivalent to key according to hash’s key-comparison function. If no key is found, then failure-result is used as in hash-ref to determine the result.

If hash is not an impersonator, then the returned key, assuming it is found, will be eq?-equivalent to the one actually retained by hash:

> (define original-key "hello")
> (define key-copy (string-copy original-key))
> (equal? original-key key-copy)


> (eq? original-key key-copy)


> (define table (make-hash))
> (hash-set! table original-key 'value)
> (eq? (hash-ref-key table "hello") original-key)


> (eq? (hash-ref-key table "hello") key-copy)


If a mutable hash is updated multiple times using keys that are not eq?-equivalent but are equivalent according to the hash’s key-comparison procedure, the hash retains the first one:

> (define original-key "hello")
> (define key-copy (string-copy original-key))
> (define table (make-hash))
> (hash-set! table original-key 'one)
> (hash-set! table key-copy 'two)
> (eq? (hash-ref-key table "hello") original-key)


> (eq? (hash-ref-key table "hello") key-copy)


Conversely, an immutable hash retains the key that was most-recently used to update it:

> (define original-key "hello")
> (define key-copy (string-copy original-key))
> (define table0 (hash))
> (define table1 (hash-set table0 original-key 'one))
> (define table2 (hash-set table1 key-copy 'two))
> (eq? (hash-ref-key table2 "hello") original-key)


> (eq? (hash-ref-key table2 "hello") key-copy)


If hash is an impersonator, then the returned key will be determined as described in the documentation to impersonate-hash.

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.

Added in version of package base.


(hash-ref! hash key to-set)  any

  hash : hash?
  key : any/c
  to-set : failure-result/c
Returns the value for key in hash. If no value is found for key, then to-set determines the result as in hash-ref (i.e., it is either a thunk that computes a value or a plain value), and this result is stored in hash for the key. (Note that if to-set is a thunk, it is not invoked in tail position.)

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-has-key? hash key)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
  key : any/c
Returns #t if hash contains a value for the given key, #f otherwise.


(hash-update! hash    
  [failure-result])  void?
  hash : (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
  updater : (any/c . -> . any/c)
  failure-result : failure-result/c
(lambda ()
  (raise (make-exn:fail:contract ....)))
Updates the value mapped by key in hash by applying updater to the value. The value returned by updater becomes the new mapping for key, overwriting the original value in hash.

(define h (make-hash))
(hash-set! h 'a 5)


> (hash-update! h 'a add1)
> h

'#hash((a . 6))

The optional failure-result argument is used when no mapping exists for key already, in the same manner as in hash-ref.

(define h (make-hash))


> (hash-update! h 'b add1)

hash-update!: no value found for key: 'b

> (hash-update! h 'b add1 0)
> h

'#hash((b . 1))

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-update hash key updater [failure-result])

  (and/c hash? immutable?)
  hash : (and/c hash? immutable?)
  key : any/c
  updater : (any/c . -> . any/c)
  failure-result : failure-result/c
(lambda ()
  (raise (make-exn:fail:contract ....)))
Functionally updates the value mapped by key in hash by applying updater to the value and returning a new hash table. The value returned by updater becomes the new mapping for key in the returned hash table.

(define h (hash 'a 5))


> (hash-update h 'a add1)

'#hash((a . 6))

The optional failure-result argument is used when no mapping exists for key already, in the same manner as in hash-ref.

(define h (hash))


> (hash-update h 'b add1)

hash-update: no value found for key: 'b

> (hash-update h 'b add1 0)

'#hash((b . 1))

See also the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-remove! hash key)  void?

  hash : (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?))
  key : any/c
Removes any existing mapping for key in hash.

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-remove hash key)  (and/c hash? immutable?)

  hash : (and/c hash? immutable?)
  key : any/c
Functionally removes any existing mapping for key in hash, returning the fresh hash table.

See also the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-clear! hash)  void?

  hash : (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?))
Removes all mappings from hash.

If hash is not an impersonator, then all mappings are removed in constant time. If hash is an impersonator, then each key is removed one-by-one using hash-remove!.

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification and the caveat concerning mutable keys above.


(hash-clear hash)  (and/c hash? immutable?)

  hash : (and/c hash? immutable?)
Functionally removes all mappings from hash.

If hash is not a chaperone, then clearing is equivalent to creating a new hash table, and the operation is performed in constant time. If hash is a chaperone, then each key is removed one-by-one using hash-remove.


(hash-copy-clear hash)  hash?

  hash : hash?
Produces an empty hash table with the same key-comparison procedure and mutability of hash.


(hash-map hash proc [try-order?])  (listof any/c)

  hash : hash?
  proc : (any/c any/c . -> . any/c)
  try-order? : any/c = #f
Applies the procedure proc to each element in hash in an unspecified order, accumulating the results into a list. The procedure proc is called each time with a key and its value, and the procedure’s individual results appear in order in the result list.

If a hash table is extended with new keys (either through proc or by another thread) while a hash-map or hash-for-each traversal is in process, arbitrary key–value pairs can be dropped or duplicated in the traversal. Key mappings can be deleted or remapped (by any thread) with no adverse affects; the change does not affect a traversal if the key has been seen already, otherwise the traversal skips a deleted key or uses the remapped key’s new value.

See also the caveats concerning concurrent modification above.

If try-order? is true, then the order of keys and values passed to proc is normalized under certain circumstances—including when every key is one of the following and with the following order (earlier bullets before later):

Changed in version 6.3 of package base: Added the try-order? argument.
Changed in version Added guarantees for try-order?.


(hash-keys hash)  (listof any/c)

  hash : hash?
Returns a list of the keys of hash in an unspecified order.

See hash-map for information about modifying hash during hash-keys.


(hash-values hash)  (listof any/c)

  hash : hash?
Returns a list of the values of hash in an unspecified order.

See hash-map for information about modifying hash during hash-values.


(hash->list hash)  (listof (cons/c any/c any/c))

  hash : hash?
Returns a list of the key–value pairs of hash in an unspecified order.

See hash-map for information about modifying hash during hash->list.


(hash-keys-subset? hash1 hash2)  boolean?

  hash1 : hash?
  hash2 : hash?
Returns #t if the keys of hash1 are a subset of or the same as the keys of hash2. The hash tables must both use the same key-comparison function (equal?, eqv?, or eq?), otherwise the exn:fail:contract exception is raised.

Using hash-keys-subset? on immutable hash tables can be much faster than iterating through the keys of hash1 to make sure that each is in hash2.

Added in version of package base.


(hash-for-each hash proc [try-order?])  void?

  hash : hash?
  proc : (any/c any/c . -> . any)
  try-order? : any/c = #f
Applies proc to each element in hash (for the side-effects of proc) in an unspecified order. The procedure proc is called each time with a key and its value.

See hash-map for information about try-order? and about modifying hash within proc.

Changed in version 6.3 of package base: Added the try-order? argument.
Changed in version Added guarantees for try-order?.


(hash-count hash)  exact-nonnegative-integer?

  hash : hash?
Returns the number of keys mapped by hash.

For the CS implementation of Racket, the result is always computed in time and atomically. For the BC implementation of Racket, the result is computed in constant time and atomically only if hash does not retain keys weakly or like an ephemeron, otherwise, a traversal is required to count the keys.


(hash-empty? hash)  boolean?

  hash : hash?
Equivalent to (zero? (hash-count hash)).


(hash-iterate-first hash)

  (or/c #f exact-nonnegative-integer?)
  hash : hash?
Returns #f if hash contains no elements, otherwise it returns an integer that is an index to the first element in the hash table; “first” refers to an unspecified ordering of the table elements, and the index values are not necessarily consecutive integers.

For a mutable hash, this index is guaranteed to refer to the first item only as long as no items are added to or removed from hash. More generally, an index is guaranteed to be a valid hash index for a given hash table only as long it comes from hash-iterate-first or hash-iterate-next, and only as long as the hash table is not modified. In the case of a hash table with weakly held keys or keys held like ephemerons, the hash table can be implicitly modified by the garbage collector (see Garbage Collection) when it discovers that the key is not reachable.


(hash-iterate-next hash pos)

  (or/c #f exact-nonnegative-integer?)
  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?
Returns either an integer that is an index to the element in hash after the element indexed by pos (which is not necessarily one more than pos) or #f if pos refers to the last element in hash.

If pos is not a valid hash index of hash, then the result may be #f or it may be the next later index that remains valid. The latter result is guaranteed if a hash table has been modified only by the removal of keys.

Changed in version of package base: Handle an invalid index by returning #f instead of raising exn:fail:contract.


(hash-iterate-key hash pos)  any/c

  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?


(hash-iterate-key hash pos bad-index-v)  any/c

  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  bad-index-v : any/c
Returns the key for the element in hash at index pos.

If pos is not a valid hash index for hash, the result is bad-index-v if provided, otherwise the exn:fail:contract exception is raised.

Changed in version of package base: Added the optional bad-index-v argument.


(hash-iterate-value hash pos)  any

  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?


(hash-iterate-value hash pos bad-index-v)  any

  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  bad-index-v : any/c
Returns the value for the element in hash at index pos.

If pos is not a valid hash index for hash, the result is bad-index-v if provided, otherwise the exn:fail:contract exception is raised.

Changed in version of package base: Added the optional bad-index-v argument.


(hash-iterate-pair hash pos)  (cons any/c any/c)

  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?


(hash-iterate-pair hash pos bad-index-v)  (cons any/c any/c)

  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  bad-index-v : any/c
Returns a pair containing the key and value for the element in hash at index pos.

If pos is not a valid hash index for hash, the result is (cons bad-index-v bad-index-v) if bad-index-v is provided, otherwise the exn:fail:contract exception is raised.

Added in version of package base.
Changed in version Added the optional bad-index-v argument.


(hash-iterate-key+value hash pos)  
any/c any/c
  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?


(hash-iterate-key+value hash    
any/c any/c
  hash : hash?
  pos : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  bad-index-v : any/c
Returns the key and value for the element in hash at index pos.

If pos is not a valid hash index for hash, the result is (values bad-index-v bad-index-v) if bad-index-v is provided, otherwise the exn:fail:contract exception is raised.

Added in version of package base.
Changed in version Added the optional bad-index-v argument.


(hash-copy hash)  (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?))

  hash : hash?
Returns a mutable hash table with the same mappings, same key-comparison mode, and same key-holding strength as hash.

4.14.1 Additional Hash Table Functions

 (require racket/hash) package: base
The bindings documented in this section are provided by the racket/hash library, not racket/base or racket.


(hash-union h0 
  h ... 
  [#:combine combine 
  #:combine/key combine/key]) 
  (and/c hash? immutable?)
  h0 : (and/c hash? immutable?)
  h : hash?
  combine : (-> any/c any/c any/c)
   = (lambda _ (error 'hash-union ....))
  combine/key : (-> any/c any/c any/c any/c)
   = (lambda (k a b) (combine a b))
Computes the union of h0 with each hash table h by functional update, adding each element of each h to h0 in turn. For each key k and value v, if a mapping from k to some value v0 already exists, it is replaced with a mapping from k to (combine/key k v0 v).

> (hash-union (make-immutable-hash '([1 . one]))
              (make-immutable-hash '([2 . two]))
              (make-immutable-hash '([3 . three])))

'#hash((1 . one) (2 . two) (3 . three))

> (hash-union (make-immutable-hash '([1    one uno]  [2    two dos]))
              (make-immutable-hash '([1    eins un]  [2    zwei deux]))
              #:combine/key (lambda (k v1 v2) (append v1 v2)))

'#hash((1 . (one uno eins un)) (2 . (two dos zwei deux)))


(hash-union! h0    
  h ...    
  [#:combine combine    
  #:combine/key combine/key])  void?
  h0 : (and/c hash? (not/c immutable?))
  h : hash?
  combine : (-> any/c any/c any/c)
   = (lambda _ (error 'hash-union ....))
  combine/key : (-> any/c any/c any/c any/c)
   = (lambda (k a b) (combine a b))
Computes the union of h0 with each hash table h by mutable update, adding each element of each h to h0 in turn. For each key k and value v, if a mapping from k to some value v0 already exists, it is replaced with a mapping from k to (combine/key k v0 v).

> (define h (make-hash))
> h


> (hash-union! h (make-immutable-hash '([1    one uno]  [2    two dos])))
> h

'#hash((1 . (one uno)) (2 . (two dos)))

> (hash-union! h
               (make-immutable-hash '([1    eins un]  [2    zwei deux]))
               #:combine/key (lambda (k v1 v2) (append v1 v2)))
> h

'#hash((1 . (one uno eins un)) (2 . (two dos zwei deux)))


(hash-intersect h0 
  h ... 
  [#:combine combine 
  #:combine/key combine/key]) 
  (and/c hash? immutable?)
  h0 : (and/c hash? immutable?)
  h : hash?
  combine : (-> any/c any/c any/c)
   = (lambda _ (error 'hash-intersect ...))
  combine/key : (-> any/c any/c any/c any/c)
   = (lambda (k a b) (combine a b))
Constructs the hash table which is the intersection of h0 with every hash table h. In the resulting hash table, a key k is mapped to a combination of the values to which k is mapped in each of the hash tables. The final values are computed by stepwise combination of the values appearing in each of the hash tables by applying (combine/key k v vi) or (combine v vi), where vi is the value to which k is mapped in the i-th hash table h, and v is the accumulation of the values from the previous steps. The comparison predicate of the first argument (eq?, eqv?, equal?) determines the one for the result.

> (hash-intersect (make-immutable-hash '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))
                  (make-immutable-hash '((a . 4) (b . 5)))
                  #:combine +)

'#hash((a . 5) (b . 7))

> (hash-intersect (make-immutable-hash '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)))
                  (make-immutable-hash '((a . 4) (b . 5)))
                  (lambda (k v1 v2) (if (eq? k 'a) (+ v1 v2) (- v1 v2))))

'#hash((a . 5) (b . -3))

Added in version of package base.