(send a-graph-pasteboard get-arrowhead-params)
number number number
(send a-graph-pasteboard set-arrowhead-params angle-width short-side long-size) → void? angle-width : real? short-side : real? long-size : real?
(send a-graph-pasteboard set-draw-arrow-heads? draw-arrow-heads?)
→ void? draw-arrow-heads? : any/c
This setting does not affect self-links—
(send a-graph-pasteboard set-flip-labels? flip-labels?) → void?
flip-labels? : any/c
This setting does not affect self-links—
(send a-graph-pasteboard set-edge-label-font font) → void?
font : (is-a?/c font%)
(send a-graph-pasteboard get-edge-label-font)
→ (is-a?/c font%)
(send a-graph-pasteboard draw-edges dc left top right bottom dx dy) → void? dc : (is-a?/c dc<%>) left : real? top : real? right : real? bottom : real? dx : real? dy : real?
(send a-graph-pasteboard draw-single-edge dc dx dy from to from-x from-y to-x to-y arrow-point-ok?) → void? dc : (is-a?/c dc<%>) dx : real? dy : real? from : (is-a?/c graph-snip<%>) to : (is-a?/c graph-snip<%>) from-x : real? from-y : real? to-x : real? to-y : real? arrow-point-ok? : (-> real? real? boolean?)
The dc, dx, and dy arguments are the same as in on-paint.
The from-x, from-y, to-x, and to-y arguments specify points on the source and destination snip’s bounding box where a straight line between the centers of the snip would intersect.
The arrow-point-ok? function returns #t when the point specified by its arguments is inside the smallest rectangle that covers both the source and destination snips, but is outside of both of the rectangles that surround the source and destination snips themselves.
This default implementation uses update-polygon to compute the arrowheads and otherwise draws a straight line between the two points and then the arrowheads, unless the arrowhead points are not ok according to arrow-point-ok?, in which case it just draws the line.
(send a-graph-pasteboard update-arrowhead-polygon from-x from-y to-x to-y point1 point2 point3 point4) → void? from-x : real? from-y : real? to-x : real? to-y : real? point1 : (is-a?/c point%) point2 : (is-a?/c point%) point3 : (is-a?/c point%) point4 : (is-a?/c point%)