2 Implementing New Games
The game-starting console inspects the sub-collections of the "games" collection. If a sub-collection has an "info.rkt" module (see info), the following fields of the collection’s "info.rkt" file are used:
game [required] : used as a module name in the sub-collection to load for the game; the module must provide a game@ unit (see racket/unit) with no particular exports; the unit is invoked with no imports to start the game.
name [defaults to the collection name] : used to label the game-starting button in the game console.
game-icon [defaults to collection name with ".png"] : used as a path to a bitmap file that is used for the game button’s label; this image should be 32 by 32 pixels and have a mask.
game-set [defaults to "Other Games"] : a label used to group games that declare themselves to be in the same set.
To implement card games, see games/cards. Card games typically belong in the "Cards" game set.