Reading Writing ".DS_Store" Files
A ".DS_Store" file is a metadata file on Mac OS X that holds information about folder and icons as viewed and manipulated in Finder. One common reason to manipulate ".DS_Store" files is to create a nice-looking disk image for a Mac OS X installer.
".DS_Store" reading and writing is based on a reverse-engineered description of the file format [DS_Store].
1 ".DS_Store" Files and Entries
(require ds-store) | package: ds-store-lib |
(read-ds-store path [#:verbose verbose?]) → (listof ds?)
path : path-string? verbose? : any/c = #f
(write-ds-store path dses) → void?
path : path-string? dses : (listof ds?)
(struct ds (path id type data) #:transparent) path : (or/c path-element? 'same) id : symbol? type : (or/c 'long 'shor 'bool 'type 'ustr 'blob)
data :
(or/c exact-integer? boolean? symbol? string? bytes? iloc? fwind?)
The path should be 'same only for a volume root directory; information about a directory is otherwise recorded in its parent directory’s ".DS_Store" file.
The id symbols should each have four ASCII characters. See the ".DS_Store" format description [DS_Store] for more information id and type values.
The data field long should be an exact integer for 'long and 'shor types, a boolean for the 'bool type, a 4-character ASCII symbol for the 'type type, a string for the 'ustr type, and either a byte string, iloc, or fwind for the 'blob type.
(struct iloc (x y) #:transparent) x : exact-integer? y : exact-integer?
(struct fwind (t l b r mode sideview?) #:transparent) t : exact-integer? l : exact-integer? b : exact-integer? r : exact-integer? mode : symbol? sideview? : any/c
2 Finder Aliases
A 'pict entry in a ".DS_Store" file references a file through a Finder alias.
(require ds-store/alias) | package: ds-store-lib |
(path->alias-bytes path [#:wrt wrt-dir]) → (or/c bytes? #f)
path : path-string? wrt-dir : (or/c #f path-string?) = #f
[DS_Store] | Wim Lewis and Mark Mentovai, “DS_Store Format.” |