When a post-script-dc% object is created, its configuration is determined by the current-ps-setup parameter’s ps-setup% value. After a post-script-dc% object is created, it is unaffected by changes to the current-ps-setup parameter or mutations to the ps-setup% object.
(send a-ps-setup copy-from source [ copy-filename?]) → void? source : (is-a?/c ps-setup%) copy-filename? : any/c = #f
(send a-ps-setup get-command) → string?
(send a-ps-setup get-editor-margin h-margin v-margin) → void? h-margin : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?))) v-margin : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?)))
(send a-ps-setup get-file) → (or/c path-string? #f)
(send a-ps-setup get-level-2) → boolean?
Currently, Level 2 commands are only needed to include color bitmap images in PostScript output (drawn with draw-bitmap), or bitmap pen and brush stipples. When Level 2 commands are disabled, bitmaps are converted to grayscale images and stipples are not supported.
(send a-ps-setup get-margin h-margin v-margin) → void? h-margin : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?))) v-margin : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?)))
(send a-ps-setup get-orientation)
→ (or/c 'portrait 'landscape)
Landscaped orientation affects the size of the drawing area as reported by get-size: the horizontal and vertical sizes determined by the selected paper type are transposed and then scaled.
(send a-ps-setup get-paper-name) → string?
The paper name determines the size of the drawing area as reported by get-size (along with landscape transformations from get-orientation and/or the scaling factors of get-scaling). It also determines the bounding box of PostScript output when a post-script-dc% context is created with a true value for the use-paper-bbox? initialization argument.
(send a-ps-setup get-preview-command) → string?
(send a-ps-setup get-scaling x y) → void?
x : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?))) y : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?)))
This scale is in addition to a scale that can be set by set-scale in a post-script-dc% context. The size reported by get-size is the size of the selected paper type (transposed for landscaped mode) divided by this scale.
(send a-ps-setup get-translation x y) → void?
x : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?))) y : (box/c (and/c real? (not/c negative?)))
The translation is not scaled by the numbers returned from get-scaling and the translation does not affect the size of the drawing area.
(send a-ps-setup set-command command) → void?
command : string?
(send a-ps-setup set-editor-margin h v) → void?
h : exact-nonnegative-integer? v : exact-nonnegative-integer?
filename : (or/c path-string? #f)
(send a-ps-setup set-level-2 on?) → void?
on? : any/c
(send a-ps-setup set-margin h v) → void?
h : (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) v : (and/c real? (not/c negative?))
When using the output of a post-script-dc% as Encapsulated PostScript, the margin values are effectively irrelevant. Changing the margins moves the PostScript image in absolute coordinates, but it also moves the bounding box.
The margins are in unscaled post-script-dc% units, which are points. The default margins are 16 points.
On Windows and Mac OS, if 'preview or 'printer is provided, an exn:fail:contract exception is raised.
(send a-ps-setup set-orientation orientation) → void?
orientation : (or/c 'portrait 'landscape)
(send a-ps-setup set-paper-name type) → void?
type : string?
(send a-ps-setup set-preview-command command) → void?
command : string?
(send a-ps-setup set-scaling x y) → void?
x : (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) y : (and/c real? (not/c negative?))
(send a-ps-setup set-translation x y) → void?
x : real? y : real?